Hope Women's Center Outreach


Hope Women's Center is a safe haven for women and girls all over Arizona to get back on their feet. On August 13th we will be collecting donations for a Hope Women's Drive. Each Hope Women's Center has a "Boutique" where women are able to obtain needed items for their families using points they have earned by attending a program at Hope Women's Center!  Everything they stock is donated by the community! Please bring all items to the lobby of the church!
Here are the items we are using for for this outreach:
Full-size Shampoo
Full-size Conditioner

Body Wash

Bar Soap



Women’s Deodorant

Women’s Underwear (all sizes)

Laundry Pods

Toilet Paper

Paper Towels

Garbage Bags (13 gallon)
For more information head to hopewomenscenter.org!
Thank you in advance for your generosity!

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Hope Women's Center Outreach

Hope Women's Center Outreach

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Hope Women's Center is a safe haven for women and girls all over Arizona to get back on their feet. On August 13th we will be collecting donations for a Hope Women's Drive. Each Hope Women's Center has a "Boutique" where women are able to obtain needed items for their families using points they have earned by attending a program at Hope Women's Center!  Everything they stock is donated by the community! Please bring all items to the lobby of the church!
Here are the items we are using for for this outreach:
Full-size Shampoo
Full-size Conditioner

Body Wash

Bar Soap



Women’s Deodorant

Women’s Underwear (all sizes)

Laundry Pods

Toilet Paper

Paper Towels

Garbage Bags (13 gallon)
For more information head to hopewomenscenter.org!
Thank you in advance for your generosity!

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